Targeted SEO
SEO serves a few different purposes. SEO helps your page ranking on Google, but that’s just the first step. Google has refined their page ranking system over the years, and they’ve done so for a reason. By having the right setup on your site, with appropriate keywords, design, and links, you will get more people to your site, but when you do it correctly, you will get people to stay at your site, too. Google has modified their rankings system so much so that it…
Content Management
Content management is an ongoing process for any website. It ensures that the material being published is relevant to your business, helpful to your customers, and designed to not only attract new pageviews, but encourage previous customers to return and pay for more services. As superior as your product is, there’s a good chance that your ability to translate to the internet consistently is not perfected. This is where a professional content manager comes in. They will not have the same level of expertise in…
Website Audit
If you already have a website for your company, you might think the work is done as far as online marketing goes. However, odds are, it’s just starting. Having a successful web presence is an ongoing task, and having an expert eye on your side will make sure that all of the effort that you put into this will be worthwhile. A website audit will make sure that not only is your site geared toward driving the customers you want to your site, but it…
Better Web Presence
Why should you care about your web presence? It’s just a way for people to see your business. The site isn’t your business, though, it’s just a lens through which the public sees you. And that is exactly why you need to pay attention to your site. It is how people learn of your company, and it’s often their first impression of what you do. If the site isn’t professional in appearance, or if there are frequent typos or there’s too much text, the site…